This morning I chose my shiny patent leather DM’s to walk the dog.
As I walked Mojo and my shoes through the gravel trails & wet grass, I felt happier and lighter, more ‘me’ somehow.
I wondered…Am I now so shallow in my 50’s that shiny shoes is what it takes to make me happy? Maybe, but I really don’t think so…
What gave me that feeling of lightness and rightness, was the action of choosing whimsy over conformity, frivolity over practicality.
It was the act of allowing, allowing my giddy-girly voice to win out over the practical one, (who too often has the upper hand)
It reminded me of my four-year-old self who would sneak her shiny new school shoes out from their box (where they were supposed to stay until September) and furtively take them for a careful but delightful spin around the garden (before Mum woke up and gave me Hell!) 🙂
Too often I talk to people with ADHD who’s self-trust and self-esteem have eroded from forever trying to be someone they’re not. As one of my Coaching group members so eloquently said last week; “I just want to be free to start living, free to be me!”
Sometimes it’s these small victories over our practical, conformist side, that jolt us awake and lift us up, making us feel more alive and free again…
For myself when I allowed that non-sensical voice to win out over the old conditioned one this morning, it was like inviting who I really am back into my life and saying, “Hey! It’s so nice to see you again, Diane, I’ve missed you!”
Then I got really crazy and wrote this all down before 9:30 am! 🙂 Whoa, amazing what happens when I Allow…
What can you ‘Allow’ today to invite your playful, non-conformist, ADHD self out to play?