Rocking the Finish Line

ADHD minds are Stimulation and Novelty seeking, so it’s just not in our nature to make a plan and then screen out all distractions and stick to the plan for the long haul. 

Let’s be real with each other, we would all be perfectly okay with that way of being if it weren’t for the annoying fact that many of the truly meaningful and exciting Goals and Creative ideas that we’d love to accomplish, do need that kind of  follow through to make them happen. 

It never ceases to amaze me how truly excited and hyped up both myself and my clients can be by a new, shiny idea or a goal only to totally forget about it just a few short hours or days later as we get caught up by something newer and shinier!

I know for myself and my clients too that that any success I’ve been able to accomplish in sticking to my more meaningful or long term goals and projects has been down to having a System of Accountability in place, one that keeps circling me back to that Goal or Idea, keeping it at the forefront, keeping it fresh and meaningful, reminding me of my purpose so I can stay on track.
Yet, accountability can be a bit of a trigger word for some, but without it we’ll always be in danger of following our innate novelty seeking mind, making it next to impossible to stick long term to our dearly held goals and ambitions.

The kinds of Accountability that lift us up versus shutting us down is what makes the difference between it being something that we can embrace versus or something we end up avoiding because it triggers us and/or shuts us down.

Here’s some examples of some of the ‘Systems of Accountability’: 

  • Rituals and Habits. 
  • Reminders and Notifications.
  • Apps and Calendars. 
  • In person meetings with partners, peers, friends or colleagues, teachers or mentors. 
  • Body Double Sessions
  • Group working spaces
  • Life Coaching.

The best ones for you really depend on what actually works for you. Which of the above Systems of Accountability would deliver results for you consistently?

Which one allows you to move towards your goal rather than away?

ADHD Coaching Groups can be some of the best kinds of accountability systems, because they are filled with like minded people. In these types of groups, we don’t find the judgy well meaning but ignorant advice giving and ‘so called support’ that we find in neuro-typical arenas.

In an ADHD Coaching group  you can count on the fact that everyone there truly does get it and will not judge us when we honestly cannot just get past that one thing, right now, in that way….

In an ADHD Coaching Group we’re much more likely to hear others say; ‘Me too,’ ‘I get it’ and ‘You’re not alone!’ This type of validation, and understanding creates the emotional safety which is one of the foundational ingredients of functional accountability. As well as being incredibly liberating, as it allows us to be more honest and vulnerable, ensuring we can get exactly what we need to move forward.

That’s why for the past few years I’ve been consciously growing this side of my Coaching practice, and I’ve seen how much it has helped.

I also know from my own years of experience of being a member of the ultimate accountability group (12 step addiction recovery groups), just how group dynamics can make or break the success of it and what’s needed to create the safe container of trust and mutual respect needed to make a group deliver on it’s promise to consistently move you forward.

If you’re curious what such a group might look like, I’m excited to announce that I’m launching a brand new ADHD Coaching group, (which will begin hopefully in June 2022, or as soon as we have the 12 minimum members needed to begin).

So if you are  realizing that without a more robust Accountability system you’re likely to continue to steer yourself off track by following your brain’s innate need for novelty, then CLICK HERE NOW to find out more about this group and see if you’d like to join us and finally give yourself what you need to succeed.

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