I’m Coming Out!

I'm Coming Out, Spotlight

You haven’t heard from me in an absolute age I know.

Life as it sometimes does took me on quite a few detours over the past 15 months or so. So much so that its been one of the most transformative times of my life. In that relatively short time, my life has undergone so many profound changes. From the home I live in, to the city I live in, to people I live with, to my health, and finally my career.

Just about all of the anchoring aspects of my life have been deeply affected and radically changed.

Now after more than a year of riding this rollercoaster and a good amount of time spent recovering and taking care of first things first, fittingly as we begin this new year, I’m finally starting to regain my bandwidth for so many of the things that had to be necessarily abandoned. 

Which brings me to one of the changes I’m making that will concern you…

As some of you may already know, I’m a recovering alcoholic with 32 years of sobriety and addiction recovery. Naturally this aspect of my life hugely informs  ( and in my view ) enhances my Life Coaching work, sometimes directly, but more often indirectly.  So one of the changes I’m making, is to bring this Addiction Recovery aspect more to the forefront of my Life Coaching work and claim it proudly as the strength I believe it to be.

As part of that plan, I’m already on track to become Certified as an ‘Addition Recovery Life Coach’. This means I’m going to change the ADHD LIfe Coach ‘title.’ Though I won’t be throwing away the past 15 years of ADHD Coaching experience ( especially knowing as we all do the strong link between Addiction and ADHD ) both these aspects of my experience will be needed to serve my community fully. 

My Life Coaching focus from now on will therefore be Addiction Recovery & ADHD.

The people I Coach, ( ADHD or not ) could be in Recovery already, who having gained some ‘sobriety’ are now naturally hungry to challenge themselves to reach their full potential and begin to do the work to remove any barriers to success. 

Or they could be people who are affected by another person addiction who need support to detach and make the needed changes so they can live their lives fully, without enabling or being controlled by another’s addiction.

Or they could be people who are at the very start of their recovery journey who are simply ‘sober curious’,  just starting to contemplate what life might be like if they could let go of their addictive habits. They’re seeking the support of someone who’s been where they are now, who has the recovery experience as well as the Coaching skills to support them as they step into those small but very scary, first steps.

Naturally you’ll be wondering whether my posts and blogs will continue to be relevant for you. Ultimately that’s more for you to say than me. I can just say that from now on I’ll be writing and posting more on Addiction Recovery as well as ADHD.

I’m so excited now that I’ve ‘come out of the  closet’ so to speak to bring this part of me that’s always been there in the background right out into the open!!  I’m so looking forward to getting back to regular writing and posting again, to deliver interesting and relevant perspectives that help us to make  sense of this life and all it’s beautiful pathways and potholes! 🙂

Thank you all, as always, for your support, patience and understanding as I change things up, both here on the website and in my Coach offerings

With Gratitude,


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